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How to Wean a child from BREAST MILK with 3 Easy Stages

Wean is one attempt at removing the dependence of the baby to the breast milk. It can also be referred to as an effort stop baby milk from mother's breast or mamae. There are many ways children weaned from BREAST MILK, but keep in mind that wean is certainly not an easy thing. Wean also raises the emotional situation for mothers and babies because of their strong bond.

It could be said that the child was weaned easy-easily distress. In order to be successful then a way of weaning the mother choose to be precise so that the child is not forced to dikonsumsinya and nutrients remain balanced and fulfilled. Proper weaning also certainly can prevent the mother from swelling of the breast may appear due to the previously taken by the child or her baby.

Integrated Stages How To Wean A Child From BREAST MILK
Bonding emotions that arise between mother and child during breastfeeding must be very strong. The child since birth continue to be in the arms of his mother, and the mother who managed to provide BREAST MILK for six months full surely has an emotional relationship that will never be ignored. This bond is obviously a positive thing in a mother and child relationship. Therefore, the process wean is done of course as much as possible in order not to damage the emotional attachment. And so that is how to wean is done goes well and true then any weaning is done gradually.

Phase one
The first stage is a stage where the mother should determine when the right time to wean. This is because indeed there are no rules or necessity for sure when is the right time to wean. There is no source that says for certain, specific age or the age.

So stop breast feeding or wean is done depending on each child. There is a saying that the best time at the age of one to two years which at this age, children are considered to be ready. But certainly, after exclusive breast feeding for six months, then in the next months children who have eaten MPASI then it is okay to wean. Surely in this case should also pay attention to the condition of the mother are ready or not to do a weaning.

To simplify the choice of time of wean, the mother can also pay attention to the marks on the child. These signs are usually quite easy to be noticed. So when the child is already showing signs that he's beginning to look lazy and fussy time feedings or just sucking a snap even reject BREAST MILK, then usually it is considered ready to be weaned. What if the child is asked to wriggle down or prefer to drink from a container such as a cup or bottle, then does that mean it's the right moment to do the weaning.

Phase two
Phase two of how to wean a child from BREAST MILK is to start slowly. This is certainly done so that the child can accept that he no longer drank BREAST MILK gradually so he is accustomed to. Phase two of this, done through several methods.

The frequency and duration of Breastfeeding
The first way to wean the child is by reducing the frequency and nursing to the child. To reduce the frequency of nursing way is by reducing the amount of breast feeding a bit more than usual. For example, usually 6 times, converted to 4 times or more. To be more affective, this way can be started during the day and when the child wants to drink the BREAST MILK he could have recommended another drink milk while playing as a distraction.

To reduce the duration of the no doubt i.e. by reducing time in the drink breast milk. For example if the child is usually drinking BREAST MILK for 20 minutes then it could be reduced to 15 minutes. No doubt as time goes by, either the frequency or duration of the more reduced so slowly well child nor the mother become accustomed.

The use of bottles, cups, and glasses
In addition to paying attention to the frequency and duration of breastfeeding, in order to be successful then the quicker weaning habits of children should also be changed. In this case, the child can still be given BREAST MILK but his deed could be through a bottle, Cup, or glass. It could also be filled with cow's milk or formula if needed.

With introduce a bottle, Cup, or glass to the child then he will start to know how to drink milk in other ways. So he is more intrigued by the bottle or glass are used then the mother could give her a bottle, Cup, or glass that cute picture. Thus, how to wean a child from BREAST MILK this one will probably give a fairly high success.

In addition to the duration, frequency up to the granting of alternative new way ASI, MPASI gives way next to the child. How to do other than to meet the needs of the growing number of child nutrition can also be used as a transfer of the child from breast milk.

The grant for everyday dining MPASI surely will make full so she reluctantly drank breast milk. For granting MPASI is certainly to do a child above the age of six months. So no need to wait for a child's teething because since he could sit upright head and usually it started to be given MPASI.

In granting this MPASI also surely cannot be forced. The child is left alone with her food knows how. Perhaps children will be eating very messy or even using the left hand. But it was nothing to worry about because for the early stages, children explore better left himself with new things. For cleanliness and moral rule can be taught when he began to be invited to understand something.

Stage three
How to wean a child from BREAST MILK stage three, namely the development phase which usually requires the cooperation of many parties. In this course the father the son and other family members as well. The role of the family become very important at the time of weaning due to the existence of family support then the distraction of children be BREAST MILK became more diverse.

The first distraction that can be given is to invite a child play with a family member or his father. By giving more time to the children to play with people besides his mother he'll forget with breast milk.

Other things that could distract the child from BREAST MILK, namely by changing his costume. For example, children who are accustomed to suckle at the moment want to sleep or waking up, then how to change his habits by giving children bottled milk as an alternative or letting children sleep with the father. Thus, any child will gradually become accustomed to sleep or wakes up without feeding.

In this case, the mother should also woke up early from children so that he could not see his mother instantly wake-up time. With a mother who was up, neat, and clean and are conducting its activities, then children certainly will be reluctant or forget that he has a habit of drinking BREAST MILK when waking up.

And then so that the child does not feel affectionate mothers, fathers, and their family members change due to no longer give him BREAST MILK, then the attention and affection to children must be poured out in full. Mothers and other family members can be invited to talk about breast feeding, where the child is already great and it would be better if he get used to drinking from the bottle. Certainly the giving to the children of this understanding should slowly and repeated so that children understand and could not forget it.

So the three stages how to wean a child from BREAST MILK needs to be known by the mother. Of course this step does not instantly and every child must be unique so that way it doesn't have to be exactly the same. That is important in the process of weaning the child or mother is both comfortable and safe so that the close relationship they stay awake until the children grow up.

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