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Nosebleed while pregnant? Don't Panic! Here's The Full Description

If you are experiencing nosebleeds while pregnant, don't panic and worry. Nosebleed while pregnant is a normal condition as long as the blood that comes out is not excessive.

As many as 20% of pregnant women will experience nosebleeds when they contain. This happens because when the pregnancy blood vessels in the nasal cavity is experiencing swelling due to the dual requirement will be oxygen. I.e., the needs of the mother and the needs of the fetus in the womb. The following explanation.

What Is The Actual Cause Of Nosebleeds While Pregnant
It has been mentioned in the previous paragraph that would bleed when pregnant happen needs double will be oxygen. So that the blood vessels in the nasal area at risk of swelling and rupture. The blood will flow and nosebleeds will occur.

As well as well as the need for blood by the fetus. Blood pressure will increase, the rate jantungpun to 2 times faster than usual. An increase in blood pressure during pregnancy will cause increased blood pressure in the nasal cavity. The blood vessels in the nasal area that is experiencing swelling is not able to withstand the high pressure of the blood from the heart. So there was a great burst blood vessels and nosebleeds.

Other causes of occurrence of nosebleeds when pregnant is the air that is too dry. Especially when you live in mountainous areas and cold. The air will tend to be dry, and the blood vessels of the nasal area will easily break and going nosebleeds.

The blood vessels in the nose has a moisturizing the air that gets into the respiratory tract. The number is very much and very small-sized (capillaries). So very likely bleeding occurs when there is swelling in the nasal area.

Here's How To Stop Bleeding Due To Nosebleeds
If this is your first time experiencing a nosebleed, you might be experiencing a bit of anxiety and don't know the proper way to handle Your nosebleeds with precise and meticulous. Here are a few steps that you can perform when it suffered a nosebleed when pregnant.

1. Sit and Bungkukkan Agency

The first step happens jetika nosebleeds and you can do is sit back and enjoy preparing tissue near you. Position the body is a bit stooped forward, but the head remains in a position higher than your heart. Let the blood drip and gently wipe the blood flowing with a dry tissue. Dispose of tissue in a covered place to avoid the spread of disease and infection through the blood of the affected tissue and disposed of carelessly.

2. Push the tip of the nose and Bernafaslah Through the mouth

Next, using the thumb and index finger and press the tip of Your nose the second clamp, provide pressure for 10 – 15 minutes, bernafaslah through the mouth. Do not release the pressure on the tip of Your nose before the second time. Because it is precisely going to create blood clots within the nasal cavity.

Continue implementing the pemencetan tip of the nose for 15 minutes both when the blood has stopped on the first 10 – 15 minutes. If after a 30-minute nose pemencetan blood failed to stop, then this is a sign of danger. Immediately visit a hospital or health service nearby. The blood that flowed continuously can cause anemia or conditions less blood red.

3. Do not lift the head

Do not lift Your head in advance before 15 minutes passed. Because this will cause you will ingest blood along with blood clots. Rancidity blood can make you nauseous or vomiting. In addition to clot blood can enter the respiratory tract and cause a blockage on the breath. In some cases, stopping breathing may occur due to this condition.

The ingested blood can also be a source of infection or disease in the fetus in pregnancy. Avoid as much as possible lift the head higher than the shoulders when nosebleeds occur.

4. use ice cubes to stop Bleeding

You can also use ice cubes to stop bleeding quickly. Put the pouch containing ice cubes already wrapped with a towel or cloth on the upper end of the nose (the area between the two eyes). By putting ice cubes in this area, will hasten the narrowing of the arteries that burst. Nosebleed will soon cease.

Is There A Way Prevent A Nosebleed Does Not Occur
The various ways you can do to prevent nosebleeds occur. The key to prevention of nosebleeds can occur while pregnant is keeping the blood vessels in the nose moist and not manipulating the overload. The following detailed explanation:

1. Drink enough water

Water is very useful for metabolic processes in the body. Including its function to moisturize. Drinking enough water can moisten the nasal cavity. Prevent the occurrence of ruptured blood vessels due to the nasal cavity that is too dry. In addition, the nosebleed will cause the mother to lose blood in her body. The water will help restore the body fluids which are lost along with the blood of nosebleeds.

2. Sneezing With Open Mouth

Sneeze sometimes create pressure in the nasal cavity increases, especially when You sneeze with shut mouth. The pressure will be centered in the nasal cavity, so that it will lead to a higher risk for a ruptured blood vessel and would bleed while pregnant.

3. Breathe slowly

Bernafaslah slowly. Sometimes mother's breath would seem persecuted, even look crowded because of pressure from the abdomen contains the baby getting engorged. Breathe slowly reduces the pressure in the nasal cavity. Prevent the occurrence of nosebleeds and bleeding due to excess pressure in the nasal cavity.

4. Employ the Humidifier

Humidifier or humidifier may be you can use when the air humidity is too dry due to temperatures that are too cold. You can also add a fragrance or aromatherapy into your humidifier, so that the room is fragrant, the mind becomes relaxed and nosebleeds will not happen.

5. the Delay Activity is too Exhausting

Activities that are too dense will make the body of the mother was tired. Decreased immune system as well as the health of the heart and blood vessels. If you have a history of frequent nosebleeds at the time due to the small blood vessels are thin, it could be when pregnant you will be at risk of experiencing nosebleeds due to thin your blood type of pemuluh coupled with activities that are exhausting your body.

6. avoid Various Pollutants

Pollutants such as cigarette smoke, fumes or smoke factory vehicles can interfere with the respiratory health of the mother. Avoid as much as possible are exposed to various pollutants during pregnancy. In addition to the risk of causing nosebleeds, pollutants will interfere with the health of the respiratory tract. It can also lead to poisoning in the fetus so that various abnormalities can occur in the womb.

A study on the relationship between small bleeding that occurs when pregnancy and the occurrence of bleeding after childbirth (postpartum bleeding) by Dugan et al (2009), mentions that the occurrence of small bleeding while pregnant either nosebleed is associated with the onset of bleeding after childbirth. Further research is needed to find out if there is indeed a blood clotting disorder in mothers who suffered nosebleeds during pregnancy with the occurrence of bleeding after childbirth.

The case has presented information on nosebleeds while pregnant, good causes, prevention and proper handling of the occurrence of nosebleeds while pregnant. Maintaining the health of the body and body fitness when pregnant be mandatory for every mother for pregnancy and childbirth. If you have a blood clotting disorder immediately report it to health workers and Your obstetrician. Hope this article is useful. Healthy greeting!

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