The benefits of leaf custard apples for health body is nothing to doubt. Although there are still many who do not know anything about the benefits provided by the leaves of custard apples, but a lot of research that says that the compounds in the leaves of custard apples similar to soursop leaves. Although soursop leaves contain nutrients that are far more complete than with leaf custard apples.
Sugar-Apple itself is a plant that lives in tropical areas. In Indonesia, the plants can grow sugar-Apple with fertile and easily found either in front or in the back yard of the House. Sugar-Apple plants can usually grow about 3 to 5 metres. As for the most famous part of the plant is its fruit custard apples that does have a distinctive flavor. In addition, it turns out the leaf custard apples also have content that is very good for health. Curious with the benefits of leaf custard apples? Check out the following reviews.
This was the custard apples Leaves numerous benefits for the health of the body
As natural herbs, of course the benefits of leaf custard apples are one of the ingredients that are used for herbal medicine. As we know, herbal medicine into a type of treatment that is widely used by most people. Because, using the ingredients of herbs or natural ingredients, no need to fear society against various chemicals that are hazardous to health. As for the benefits of leaf custard apples which are:
Treat boils or Ulcers
One of the most notable benefits provided by leaf custard apples is as a natural remedy to overcome skin disorders such as ulcers or ulcers. This is because there is a high nutrient content and nutrients on leaf custard apples that will help eliminate germs and relieve infections on the surface of the skin.
So if you experience sores or ulcers that form the infection suffered from ulcers, can use the leaf custard apples in a way put on wounds. Keep in mind, before the mengompreskan leaves of custard apples on the wound, wash clean the leaves with water. After that, mashed or squeeze the leaves to dark green and pulled out a little water. Then stick on skin wounds and close using a cloth or gauze. Leave it on for several hours until the leaves dry out. (see also: Dutch Eggplant efficacy ranging from indigestion to healthy skin)
Treat Scurvy
Still associated with skin diseases, the benefits of leaf custard apples the next one is to treat scabies. As we know, scabies is a kind of disease that is very unsettling because the sufferer will feel the itch. In addition, when scurvy that is not corrected immediately displays the scars on the skin. How to use sugar-Apple leaves to treat scabies is you just need to pound a few leaves custard apples and then paste it on the scabies.
Treating Intestinal Worms
For parents who worry against the risk of intestinal worms that can attack a child, you can also use the leaves of custard apples as a natural remedy to address the problem of intestinal worms. As we know, vulnerable children stricken with intestinal worms because they like to play on the ground or other dirty places. The germs or virus usually goes in the body of the son unwittingly.
Although it's been a lot of drug intestinal worms that can be purchased in pharmacies, but there is no harm in utilizing leaf custard apples to overcome these problems. You just need to set up 15 sheets leaves custard apples and 5 cups of water. After it leaves, boiled custard apples and leave to boil. After remaining about 3 glasses of water, let cool until warm. Decoction of leaves of custard apples will make risk of developing worms in children can be reduced.
If your child does not like the taste of water decoction of leaves of custard apples, you can add a little sugar or honey to it. In order to obtain optimal results, minumkan leaves boiled custard apples during the morning and evening for 1 week so that the worms in the body of the child can be cured.
Overcome Digestive Problems
The benefits of leaf custard apples next overcome digestive disorders, for both children and adults. Example of indigestion are flatulence, constipation, and diarrhea. As for how to utilize leaf custard apples in order overcome digestive problems varies depending on the disease suffered.
For example bloated stomach problem, you just need to accumulate about 5 papaya leaves mixed with a little coconut oil. After that, apply on the abdomen. As for the problem of constipation and diarrhea, you can use a decoction of leaves of custard apples to resolve it.
Lower fevers and to treat coughs
As herbal medicines that have many benefits, leaves of custard apples can help lower a fever as well as being a natural remedy cough cure. This is because in the leaves of custard apples there are compounds that are antipretik. Its function is to neutralize any kind of viruses namely in the body. In addition, the content of nutrients in leaves of custard apples also able to optimize the immune system so that it is stronger in the fight against bacteria and viruses which go into the body via food or dirty spots.
As A Natural Sedative
Although it has yet to be tested medically, however the benefits of leaf custard apples are also used as a natural remedy for overcoming depression. This is because usually when someone fainted, then experiencing leaf custard apples is used to resolve the issue. The trick, take 2 or 3 pieces of leaf custard apples. After that, squeeze to dispense a little bit of water. Put the custard apples leaves on the remasan nose people who faint.
Reduce The Risk Of Gout Disease
The benefits of leaf custard apples next is as a natural remedy to reduce the risk of gout. This is because there is an anti inflammatory compounds in the leaves of custard apples. These compounds will slowly tackle the emergence of pain in people with gout.
To get these benefits, you can boil about 15 leaves of custard apples with 1,000 ml of water. After shrinking water, drinking the decoction of leaves of custard apples as much as twice a day. If you drink it regularly, then slowly the risk of emergence of pain of uric acid or other impact given by these diseases can be reduced. (read also: causes of excess uric acid in the body)
How to cultivate the leaves of sugar-Apple as Herbal Medicine
As described above, the most common way in processing the leaves of custard apples as a herbal remedy is with boiled or ground. But there are other ways that you can do in the consumption and sugar-Apple as herbal medicine for the sake of the health of the body. The trick is drained.
Despite having undergone the process of drying, compounds and nutrients in leaves of custard apples not much diminished. It's just that water content in them is reduced. After that, take about 15 leaves of sugar-Apple fruit is dried and then rebuslah with 400 ml of water. The way this one can reduce the bitter taste of custard apples on the leaves. As we know, the leaves of custard apples contain the SAP which pretty much so when boiled drained without directly first, bitter taste will still be there.
So a little bit of reviews about the benefits of leaf custard apples. Besides the actual portion of the leaves, the other part on the custard apples like woody stems, flowers, roots, and fruit also has a variety of benefits that are very effective in treating the disease in the body. May be useful.
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