Along with the development of the age, maybe some of you are wondering, does a sedentari lifestyle, lack of exercise, rampant air pollution, as well as food that is instantaneous and fast-food chain could potentially be the cause of cysts on the woman? In the medical world, the cyst is a term used to describe a form of the form of the bag containing the liquids, air, pus, or other semisolid material. The cysts grow in the tissue of the organ, and can attack any parts of the body. The size of the cyst is highly variable, ranging from very small so it is not visible to the naked eye (microscopic), up to the size of the ball. A very large cysts can ' take over ' the organ in the affected organ so that the cyst may not work as expected.
The cyst is not a normal part of human body tissues. The cysts have walls that are clear, apart from the normal tissue around it. Unlike cancer, cysts cannot be spread to other parts of the body. That is why a cyst, or that lay people often refer to as benign tumors, can be easily raised through surgery, as well as a relatively non-threatening the lives of its victims.
What are the causes of Cysts in women?
The cyst can be caused by a variety of things, such as genetic conditions, infection, organ failure of the developing fetus, cell damage, the condition of chronic inflammation, blockage in glands of the body resulting in a buildup of fluid, parasites, as well as the impact of the injury.
In women, there are organs that are not owned by men such as breasts and ovaries, and there are indeed many cases the cyst growing on both the organs so that the causes of cysts in women any more specific direction. The cysts usually does not cause pain unless the cyst bag broke and infect the surrounding areas (although in the case of breast cysts, usually cause pain and can be clearly seen through breast self-examination or AWARE).
Knowing the causes of cysts in women is very important to increase vigilance and so that preventative measures can be carried out. Cysts can also shrink and disappear. Nevertheless, many cases of cyst which requires the handling of medical personnel to remove it. In the case of cyst containing fluid, further examination will be carried out if the cyst aspirated fluid on found cancer cells.
In General, the causes of cysts in women is an infection or blockage of oil glands. In the case of ovarian cyst, the cyst can arise when sufferers of chronic medical conditions already have certain before, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis. Here are two types of cysts that are often experienced by women, namely breast and ovarian cysts, as well as the possible causes of both types of cysts.
Breast cysts
Breast cysts are generally classified as benign, so it can be regarded as harmless. Nevertheless, breast cysts can cause discomfort or pain in a large size (breast cysts can grow with a varied range of sizes ranging from 2.5 to 5 cm). Breast cysts are large, will be pressing the breast tissue that is nearby. The network stressed this is what then caused a sensation of pain.
The disease can strike women at any age, but most cases of breast cysts occur in women age 35 to 50 years old who have not experienced menopause. Cysts can appear on one side of the breast, or even both. Typically, breast cysts will shrink and disappear by itself when a woman experiencing menopause. However, if the results of the examination of the breast itself (REALIZE) you find the possibility of experiencing a breast cyst, it is advisable for you to consult a doctor to make sure.
Thus, what causes cyst in woman who grew up in the breast? Indeed, the exact cause of breast cysts is still unknown. Just like cancer, where there are a great many possible causes that are multifaktorial. That is, there is not one single cause that contribute to the incidence of cancer. On any such cysts.
However, there is evidence that research indicates that excess estrogen in the body can stimulate existing breast tissue, where it indirectly play a role in the onset of breast cysts. In addition, there are other opinions from experts who are convinced that breast cysts can occur if milk ducts are blocked. As a result, mammary glands and connective tissue will be widened and then filled by fluid. The second possible cause of breast cysts explained why this most ubiquitous in women of fertile age.
Ovarian cysts
Every woman has two ovaries, each of which is located on the right and the left uterus. The ovaries produce eggs served each month, also produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone so that holds a very large role in the female reproductive system. The presence of cysts on the ovaries can disrupt ovarian function.
Due to the menstrual cycle, most women had ovarian cysts. In General, ovarian cysts may disappear on its own after a few months and do not cause any symptoms. However, a large ovarian cyst can cause some of the symptoms include irregular menstrual periods, pelvic bone pain, frequent urination, digestion is not fluent, often feel bloated, and constipation. Ovarian cysts are large-sized to look out for because it is likely to burst and infect the surrounding area.
Causes of cyst in woman who grows in the ovary which most often is the menstrual cycle itself. In the ovary, there are countless pockets that contain the immature egg cells, called follicles. In addition to containing the ovum, the follicle candidate also contains a liquid that will protect prospective egg until it's time to mature later. When ripe, the follicle will burst. The egg will be released, as well as the liquid that protect it.
However, a woman can experience the condition in which the follicle does not release the ovum, or do not spill liquids and shrinking after the egg is released. When this happens, the buildup of fluid within the follicle that make great grew in size. The follicles which contain liquids which become ovarian cysts, which can generally disappear by themselves after a few weeks. When the follicles are already releasing the ovum, the follicle tissue could be filled in the blood. It can also trigger the onset of ovarian cysts.
In addition, there are other medical conditions that can cause cysts in women who grew up in the ovary, among other endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial cells (the cells lining the inside of the uterus) and even grow outside the uterus. While polycystic ovarian syndrome is a growing small cysts on ovaries due to imbalance of hormones produced by the ovaries.
Things can be a trigger for the onset of cancer can also be causes of cysts in women, such as the consumption of foods high in saturated fat and low in fiber, lack of exercise, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as frequent exposure to air pollution and other pollutant substances. So, the conclusion to be drawn that the undergoing pattern of healthy living is one effort that can be done to prevent cysts. So the article can be presented, may be useful.
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