For those of you who often have stomach pain, wrapped around articles about pain medication stomach bind to the following may be helpful. Abdominal pain is a sign of the existence of a binding problem in the digestive system. This condition can occur at any time as a sudden attack that come your way. And if it appears, it will interfere with the comfort of the sufferer. People who experience stomach pain will usually feel pain twisting like scrunched in his stomach, the body feels uncomfortable, sweat out the cold, hard bed, weak and lethargic, and hard to concentrate. Of course any appetite decreases at the time experiencing abdominal pain wrapped around, so the risk of experiencing nutritional deficiencies.
Abdominal pain is a common symptom of binding to the sufferer, so why can the assortment. Factors that may cause the onset of abdominal pain wrapped around among others suffering from heartburn, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation (constipation), appendicitis, pain at the time of menstruation (dysmenorrhea), etc. Abdominal pain is often wrapped around coupled with other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, a sense of want CHAPTER (bowel movements), frequent belching, headaches, and various other annoying complaints. This condition exists that is lightweight and there is also a which can be heavy. Abdominal pain severe binding normally takes in chronic, that is experienced in a very long time and often cause of recurrence.
Pain medication Stomach wrapped around a proven Traditional
To treat abdominal pain can twist using natural medicines or referred to as traditional medicine. A natural remedy that is easily found around you and which has been proven in generations. A drug that is naturally of course safer because without causing side effects and certainly cheaper. A wide selection of pain medication stomach wrapped around a natural and potent among others as follows:
1. Ginger
Ginger is a natural herbal plants which are already known to have many health benefits, including nutritious as pain medication stomach knotted. This herb can also refresh your body and can increase stamina. How to make it IE prepare one segment of ginger that has already washed up clean, and then digepuk a little so that the aroma come out and put on a glass of hot water. Add honey or sugar to taste as a sweetener. Drink this concoction of ginger while warm, do it regularly twice a day to cure a stomach ache wrapped around.
2. Turmeric
Turmeric is known to have efficacy for improving the durability of the body and can be used as a pain medication stomach knotted. The benefits of turmeric are well known hereditary from ancestral times and there have been many researched through a variety of scientific research. To make it prepare turmeric segment 1 then peeled and washed to clean. Then turmeric that blended peeled or grated and then extorted to be taken the water. Combine juice, turmeric in half warm boiled water and add honey or sugar to taste as a sweetener. After that drink the potion of Saffron regularly 2 times in a day.
3. Leaves of the guava
Guava leaves also have medicinal properties of abdominal pain that is caused mainly due to twisting diarrhoea or diarrhea. Guava leaves are often used as base material or pain diarrhea drug makers on modern processed in digestion. To make guava concoction in a natural way is very easy. Prepare a couple of leaves of guava that still fresh (young) and wash to clean. Guava leaves and put into a pan containing 2 glasses of water and then simmer until the water is left approximately half of it. After that strain to be taken the water, and drank the guava concoction regularly twice a day then it is wrapped around the stomach pain that you experience will get well soon.
4. The roots of Lotus Flower
Pain medication stomach the next natural i.e. by using the root of lotus flowers. Surely you are not too difficult to find a plant on this one, because quite a lot of grown either in the village or in urban areas. How to make a ramuannya that is to prepare the root of lotus flowers approximately 50 grams then wash to clean. The Lotus root Blender until smooth and then filtered to take water. After that drink a decoction of the root Lotus 2 times a day to treat upset stomachs knotted.
5. Yogurt
Yogurt can also be used as a pain medication stomach churned with a flavor that is delicious and refreshing. Yogurt is a drink made of fermented milk. This milk fermentation process using the help of good bacteria that are needed by our digestive system. Thus consume yogurt, the amount of good bacteria in the stomach or the intestines will grow in number so it can fight the evil bacteria. If you experience stomach pain bind, you can treat it with consume yogurt twice a day.
6. Lime and telon oil
How to treat a stomach ache can also be wrapped around using oles naturally, i.e. by using lime juice and oil of telon. This excellent oles medication used mainly for children. Cause any vulnerable children experiencing stomach pain complaints wrapped around, either because of diarrhea or bloating or wind. Telon oil and lemon gives a sense of warm in the stomach and reduce the strain on the muscles of the abdomen. It's easy i.e. prepare a fruit lemon, cut in, then squeezed to take water. Apply lemon juice on the abdominal area then followed by applying oil telon.
7. Eucalyptus oil
Same is the case with lemon and oil telon, eucalyptus oil can also be used as a pain medication stomach knotted dioles way. Eucalyptus oil is suitable both for children and adults. By using eucalyptus oil will certainly more practical, because you easily get it in pharmacies or in the nearby shops. Eucalyptus oil contains natural substances that can relieve stomach pain and cold. How pretty is applied to the abdomen and can be inhaled as aroma therapy.
Besides knowing information about pain medication stomach knotted as has been mentioned above, it is not less important is to perform a preventive measure to avoid an upset stomach knotted. Things that can be done, among others, with a regular pattern of eating/not eating late, eating with portion is not excessive, reduce the fatty foods, and avoid foods that are too spicy and sour. In addition avoid foods containing a lot of gas, reduce drinking coffee and fizzy drinks, and avoid smoking or consumption of alcoholic beverages.
It's also important to always keep clean to avoid the entry of germs of disease primarily through the mouth, i.e. by consuming food and drink clean or cooked perfectly, pay attention to the cleanliness of the utensils, not to snack on any place, keep/protect food from flies range, and always wash your hands before eating. Durability body should also always be improved by exercising regularly; many consume water, vegetable, and fruit; sufficient rest; and avoid stress. If you experience stomach pain that wrapped around hard-cured or frequent relapse, then we recommend that you consult your physician or nearest health facilities in order to note the cause and get further handling.
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